Pull up a chair they said, we have something to tell you. “Remember that industrial complex we passed through 2 weeks ago?” How could I not. It looked like a place the group could hunker down and rest for awhile. The structures looked sound, as well as any building could in this dustbowl, it didn’t look like anyone had set foot there in years.
Our respite didn’t last, 2 days into our found safe haven wasteland marauders appeared. Causalities were relatively light, but everything is relative. “So what is it you want to talk about?”. “The infection from the injuries took over, we’re sorry.”
Yup, everything is now relative.
5 Responses to “Pull up a Chair”
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This has an air of melancholy, tinged with a profound sadness at such waste
All those lockers, once used, full of stuff. Now left to rust. The chair is a great extra in this composition.
A chair of this type, in a locker room, is a bit weird.
But on the other hand, helped to create a nice photo.
Such beauty in all that filth.