Crooked and Broken

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Crooked and Broken

Capitol Reef National Park, Utah.
I don’t think there’s anywhere else in the country where the sky looks as blue as in Utah, maybe it’s the contrast against the rocks and soil?

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32 Responses to “Crooked and Broken”

  1. Rian

    sky as blue as utah huh? hmm.. i'd like to try it out for myself too.. 😀 awesome shot.. 😀

  2. Astrid

    These picture you have in your blog are a joy for the eye, I love the sky in this one, it might be the big contrast but I sure like it!!!

  3. AC

    Beautiful snap! Wonderfully composed and I like the wide open space that you've captured. The blues in the sky are gorgeous.

  4. Rijo

    Gosh! I think I will loose my mind! Your photos are amazing and fantastic!! I wish i could take pictures like you can. Hmm.. We dont have this nature in Sweden so my dream is only a dream.. =)


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