Balancing Softly

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Balancing Softly

Near Lees Ferry, AZ. Fugi Velvia 100.

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28 Responses to “Balancing Softly”

  1. Rian

    woah! great find! that looks like a stone tree or a stone mushroom! 🙂 shot against that background it's very fitting and looks very good.. great shot! 🙂

  2. don

    I like your exposure treatment very much. Wonderful lighting in the distance and just the right amount of fill on the silhouetted rocks.

  3. sherri

    Second try to tell you how tedious the balancing rock looks and yet I realize it's been there for years. Wonderful capture.

  4. AC

    Great scene. Love the way the two rocks seem to be leaning on each other and enjoying the gorgeous scenery.

  5. cara

    Unbelievable landscape and beautiful shot. Love the sky in the background and the mixture of light and dark.


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