Razors Edge

(About this image)
Razors Edge

Another Sand Dunes National Monument, CO. Nothing like taking off your shoes and heading across the dunes!
Fuji Velvia 50 (can’t beat it!).

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33 Responses to “Razors Edge”

  1. zambrean

    WoW! Yea, this is a very beautiful picture! Amazing detail of the sand! Very beautiful taken! Beautiful composition! I like this sky and the clouds!

    Congratulations, My Friend.

  2. sherri

    Absolutely gorgeous. The sand looks like it was chiseled out of a hard surface and the sky is so blue with those sweeping clouds.

  3. yz

    Amazing composition and lights! (It is good to see that someone still uses film, I also have a nikon fm3 which I occasionally load with film)

  4. Elaine-

    oh WOW, what a great image, and plus it looks like a slide being projected it has so much inner brightness.. just beautiful!!!

  5. JJ

    wow this is fantastic, beautiful flowing clouds in the sky, and the sea of sand with different colors and textures is fantastic


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