Alone in the Woods

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Alone in the Woods

The latest Holga photographs have uploaded by my photo lab, I wish I could scan 120 format negatives myself, but unfortunately not to many companies make the scanners any more 🙁 I wouldn’t have thought the medium was that obsolete in certain art circles?

Ilford FP5 on the beloved Holga.

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11 Responses to “Alone in the Woods”

  1. Bob!

    As that loaded in I thought you'd been out hunting for the Blair Witch 🙂 Then it got to the bottom and the title made sense 😉
    Nice shot!

  2. david

    not obsolete at all – get the Epson 4490 Perfection – it's inexpensive and scans 120 as well as 35mm. Most of the bloggers (inc me) who post holgas seem to use this one.
    anyway; nice shot!!

  3. Gavin Hart

    This has a nice 'down close to mother earth' feeling about it. The bokeh effect with the soft focus around the edges is also nice.


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