Caught in the Act

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Caught in the Act

Mountain goat on Mt. Evans, Colorado.
Expired Kodak Electrachrome 100. Looks like this guy is ready for Winter 😉

Update: I was just made aware by Nick that I’ve made it into the Hall of Fame!! Sweet!!

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39 Responses to “Caught in the Act”

  1. sherri

    Expired film? Well, what do they know:-) Didn't have any adverse affect on you capturing this splendid creature. Caught in the act of what? No, that's okay, don't tell me…lol…

    A beautiful photo.

  2. Rian

    ooh.. niice.. 🙂 nice lighting & expression.. he's about to tell you something..

    “i predict you'll be in the hall of fame”

    lol! can't help it.. 😀 congrats!

  3. Radel

    lol@Rian. Actually I thought something similar.. It looks like he's trying to make conversation with you. Or maybe lure you into a false sense of security before he pounces!

    Nice shot.

  4. amy

    I have to say I have never seen a goat with this expression before! Looks a bit angry! Thank you for the visit & the comment the other day..Your work is amazing! I'll be back;)


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