Cherry Cider

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Cherry Cider

On a country road somewhere in the desert in New Mexico, they didn’t have any cherry cider either.

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33 Responses to “Cherry Cider”

  1. Nicki

    hard lightning, morning sun? – this gives the picture a typical “outback” touch. i love motives with empty “trashed” buildings. well done!

  2. Robin

    Truly astonishing shot, love the processing here too. Makes me all giddy with excitement, yeah I'm kinda weird about abandoned places.

  3. Raffi

    Wow! Nice wide shot! This reminds me of a horror flick. Im just waiting to see some deranged guy ride through here in a old beat up Dodge or something. And see thats what makes this such a good shot! Imagination! Great work!

  4. Toni

    I like the perspective on this. I would have never thought to take a photo of this, but I really do like it.

  5. Ilan

    I don't know why, but there is a bit of post-Apocalyptic feel to this image. Like something forgotten centuries before you took a this shot. Love it.

  6. Mike Blanchard

    Judging by the overgrowth, this place has been abandoned for awhile. Kind of surprising to see the cider sign remaining so legible. The hard light does help with the stark feel here. Good work.

  7. grant

    amazing find and so well photographed! you'd think the ice cold cherry cider would have kept them in business…

  8. sherri

    …and it's still standing there. What an eyesore for those who have to look at it…those who aren't viewing it through your lens. Makes a wonderful image.

  9. FLOOG

    If I'd have known about the cherry cider, I would have kept it in business single handely! Ha ha

    A five star photograph, perfection


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