Day Trader (About this image) Reading between the lines of Kuta Beach, Bali shows a more colorful daily life of the tourist mecca. Share This Story 5 Responses to “Day Trader” Alice March 5th, 2007 Neat shot. It makes me wonder what's caught his (her?) attention. Reply nicolas March 8th, 2007 Great portrait 🙂 Reply Peter F May 24th, 2007 the light reflecting up of the ground onto her face creates a great tone here. Reply elaine November 14th, 2007 beautiful street portrait Reply sherri January 6th, 2008 I see they train them young. Not much of a life, is it. Great capture. Reply Share Your Thoughts Click here to cancel reply. Name (required) Mail (required) (will not be published) Website Δ
Peter F May 24th, 2007 the light reflecting up of the ground onto her face creates a great tone here. Reply
sherri January 6th, 2008 I see they train them young. Not much of a life, is it. Great capture. Reply
Neat shot. It makes me wonder what's caught his (her?) attention.
Great portrait 🙂
the light reflecting up of the ground onto her face creates a great tone here.
beautiful street portrait
I see they train them young. Not much of a life, is it. Great capture.