
Slightly off topic – Nine Inch Nails have just released their latest album for download off their site, even if your not a fan, this collection of instrumental works is truly inspiring, helped me get through a huge back log of scanning 🙂

For $5 lets support the artists, not the middle man record companies (urgh!)

BTW… Ilford FP4, it’s all about the grain 😉

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7 Responses to “Driver”

  1. sherri

    It's air conditioned:-) I've seen fans mounted in a vehicle like this before and always get a kick out of it. Nice capture.

  2. Aggie

    I'm new to PSA. Studying the perspective articles and came across these photos. I was immediately drawn to this. The B&W plus the grain really make this photo. You brought an interesting perspective to an “old car” pic. Good work.


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