Dusty Window

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Dusty Window

So I took 87 30sec frames of the meteor shower the other night with the goal of stacking the 87 into one image to simulate a super long exposure. It turned out all of the frames were way underexposed, wrong ISO setting, d’oh. Oh well, heading off for a day hike to see what Bandit Peak (13,000ish ft) looks like in a storm 😉

Oh and thank you to everyone who commented on the last 2 posts, your comments were both helpful and encouraging 🙂

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8 Responses to “Dusty Window”

  1. Bob!

    This has a spooky old horror film feel to it that I like. Bit to dark to see what's at the bottom of the photo, but that kind of adds to the feel. Nice shot!

  2. david

    i very much like the dark and gloomy atmosphere here…i suppose you feel about that way after all that effort the other night eh?


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