
An approaching storm passes over Mt. Evans heading towards Mt. Rosalie. I was so awed by this storm I left it to late to make it off the mountain (13,575ft) and ended up seeking shelter between two rocks with the poncho covering me and the dog. Fortunately after an hour of wind and hail the storm cleared enough for us to make run for a lower, more sheltered area.

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17 Responses to “Incoming”

  1. jeff

    Very nice! The things you do for a good image eh? Good to hear you made it back in on piece.

  2. Bob!

    The things you'll get up to just for a shot. I know that feeling although I've not been caught in a storm yet.
    Stunning shot and well worth a soaking 🙂

  3. Shailja

    wow – that is one hell of a storm building up. Nice capture! Thanks for visiting my blog …I enjoyed going through your pics! You have a very nice collection.

  4. Ginnie

    I LOVE storms, Will, so this is magnificent to me. As long as everyone is safe, storms are awesome and majestic, like the mountains!

  5. Gavin Hart

    Fantastic sky. Looks impressive in that elevated landscape. Sounds like you and the dog had a scary experience up there.


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