Overcoming Darkness

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Overcoming Darkness

First batch of scans from the new Pentax k1000, very happy with the little camera, the control over exposure and aperture is incredibly fine. This image taken at Sand Dunes National Monument, Colorado on Ilford Delta 100, a bit of levels and contrast adjustment in Photoshop, nothing you wouldn’t do in a dark room (if I had one!).

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42 Responses to “Overcoming Darkness”

  1. Mike Blanchard

    Wonderful shot of the Sand Dunes. The exposure and your processing is terrific. Love the detailed ripples on the bright side of the dune and the smooth gradient of shadow on the other side. Nice Work!

  2. Ankush.

    Great composition, the light and the shadows work perfect. I especially like the violent sky…great place to be, well done.

  3. Jim - 365,000 words

    I wondered if this was Death Valley at first, with that mix of dunes and mountains. (I have some photos from there that look incredibly similar.) But wow… you're shooting with a K1000? That was the first camera I used. Built like a tank, but a great camera to learn on and work with. I'd love to own one for old time's sake.


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