Red Hot Pokers

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Red Hot Pokers

It’s been a while since I posted a true landscape shot… Hopefully this one from Bryce Canyon in the winter will do 😉

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34 Responses to “Red Hot Pokers”

  1. Laurie

    Woah…I was there many, many years ago and I remembered it was amazing but I'd forgotten how amazing it truly was. Awesome shot.

  2. rian

    woah! i'm speechless.. this is probably the best image i've seen here so far.. awesome! 😀

  3. sherri

    I've been there! I recognized it! Can you tell I'm excited? lol…

    Wonderful shot. This is a gorgeous view, taking in so much.

  4. Thomas

    Stunning, Astonishing, Mindblowing, Phenomenal, Fantastic, Exquisite…I m actually running out of adjectives to praise this image. This is a masterpiece. congratulations.

  5. Stephane

    Endless possibilities to get lost in visual, to be drown in visions and found again and again. That red is overwhelming but that ocre yellow mustard talks to me 2! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Omar

    wonderful, this is an impressing place. you can discover of lot details in this shot. Cool one


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