Sand in My Shoes

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Sand in My Shoes

It’s kind of a land mark today, it’s the 200th image posted on Perspective Images! The site has been running as a fully fledged photoblog for just over a year, and I’m enjoying it more everyday. I think what makes this experience so special is the entire photoblog community and support and encouragement it gives, so thanks folks! You guys rock 😉

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8 Responses to “Sand in My Shoes”

  1. Enric

    I specialy love the saturation of the color and CONGRATULATIONS for the 200 image, really great for a “1 year” photoblog.

  2. Kim

    Congrats on the 1 year mark! Looks like you and I started at about the same time. 😉

    Really great shot Will. I love that gorgeous blue sky!


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