Storm Warning on The Peak

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Storm Warning on The Peak

Another shot from the Mt. Rosalie storm series, the stone cairn marks the summit of the mountain.

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12 Responses to “Storm Warning on The Peak”

  1. Nick

    I also like the light. Storm light is very interesting and dramatic. The contrast int he rocks is very neat also. Nice capture.

  2. Abhijit

    This is a beauty in black and white! Perfect tonal gradation from 0 to 10 zones!!! Lovely composition! Awesome grains….

  3. Ginnie

    This is fabulous, Will. The lighting AND graininess really make this stand out! And of course, it's perfect in B&W.

  4. Gavin Hart

    I know it's a photo of a stone cairn but it's the drama and depth in the sky and background landscape that my attention is immediately drawn into. Really excellent sky.


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