Sunset Arch

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Sunset Arch

This has to be the most difficult photo I’ve ever taken. When I first visited Arches National Park, Utah, 3 months ago, I inadvertently took the wrong trail to the arch and missed photographing the sunset I wanted. 2nd time around I went to shoot another arch in the park in the late afternoon, upon trudging a mile through the snow to reach it I realized it was a morning shot, it was completely covered in shadow, d’oh. We raced back to the car and over to this arch, with time severely against me, I was dropped at the trail head (the right one this time!) and ran the mile long, mostly uphill path. With literally 2min to spare I quickly set up the camera gear and snapped a few shots. A truly elusive photograph!

Fuji Velvia 50 (an awesome film!)

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25 Responses to “Sunset Arch”

  1. puzzled

    I am so glad you got this! It literally made me say wow when I opened your blog tonight. It's a fantastic image and a beautiful place. Fine work!

  2. w3nsch1

    very nice. and you had a good timing 🙂 i like ht e contrast between the background colors and the front colors of the stones

  3. bo

    I love the Arches NP. This is a stunning photo. Makes me want to head West right this minute. I'll check out the spot next time I'm visiting.

  4. Kim

    This shot was truly worth everything that you went through to get it – it is absolutely breathtaking! Beautiful job Will!


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