Where I Hang My Hat

(About this image) Where I Hang My Hat - A coat and hat hang in the last place their owner left.

I love shooting abandoned locations, the atmosphere and humanity of some of the places I visit almost shout their story. But at times the personalities imparted on my photographic subjects get too loud and a step back to refocus my direction is required. However long that break is, I always come back to share the stories I find.

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5 Responses to “Where I Hang My Hat”

  1. Remus

    A portrait of past lives…
    Lives that do not come back…
    Lives that have forgotten…
    Lives that Mr. Williams try to recover and give voice.

  2. Arjan - PlasticDaisy

    Lovely image. Again, with a whole story behind it. What was the last day this jacket and heat were worn? What made the owner leave this place but not take these items? Such questions make images like this so strong.


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