Winters Woes

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Winters Woes

Just returned from the lab with the first images from my new Holga medium format camera, pretty happy with the results. It’s little a tricky at first but I really like the “gritty” effect it produces.

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2 Responses to “Winters Woes”

  1. April

    – I was thinking today about toy camreas (on the train to work, as you do ) and wondering what the attraction is. As photographers, we're always looking for the best, the newest, the fastest. Faster glass, memory cards with ultra high speed, FPS, Flash Sync speed. Perhaps the real beauty of toy camreas is their ability to make us slow down. Sometimes we need to slow the f**k down and notice what's around us.I think your post illustrates my conclusions perfectly, even if they were taken at 30,000 ft at about 200mph!


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